Tuesday, March 29, 2016


No one can say that Gracie doesn't go after the bumper with gusto! She always charges in with complete focus.

Dylan learned long ago to wait and waylay her when she's close to shore and steal the bumper. Dee Dee has started doing it, too.

 They pounce and a tussle ensues but ultimately they all get their piece of the bumper. And it repeats, over and over and over and over and...

1 comment:

John said...

For the followers of some recent"Taking Paws" entries, some explanation of the social dynamics is in order!

Dylan has matured way beyond his years. He's the "Lord of the Manor" (or in this case , the boat). There are times when it's much too dignified to go crashing through the waves in the race for the bumper. He'll just wait and waylay it on the way in. Much less effort, and anyone knows he'd get it in the end, no matter what. And besides, while those crazies are splashing about, there are some really good smells that might lead to a snack, if I'm careful and no one notices...oh no here comes my master.

And then there's Dee Dee. She was told early on that "youth is wasted on the young," and she says no way. She can beat that crazy black cousin, if nothing's chasing her, if someone's not running down the beach, if there's not a new dog in the fray, if the breezes aren't blowing things in the sand, if ... But that older brother of mine, geez. Won't let me run around with the bumper! And ... my names not Dee Dee No.

The black cousin, Gracie. Focused on one thing ... the bumper. Nothing distracts her: surfing sized waves, dogs, birds, drinking water, people ... Nothing.